




Yan Ting*



Wuan Yi*

`Bleahx!..the onli name wit a !*




















`Kenneth Wong*









You Are More Yang












Your Kissing Purity Score:

80% Pure

You've hardly ever been kissed

But the kisses you've given are very missed
Your Love Type: INFP

The Idealist

In love, you crave a long term, harmonious relationship. For you, sex doesn't come quickly - it takes time for you to open up.

Overall, you are supportive, nurturing, and expressive. However, you tend to be shy and protective of your personal space. Best matches: ENFJ and ESFJ

You Should Be A Cancer

What's good about you: you're incredibly kind, caring, and generous

What's bad about you: you can be too moody and impossible to understand

In love: you enjoy wining and dining the object of your affection

In friendship, you're: likely to depend on other friends for emotional support

Your ideal job: historian, marine biologist, or religious figure

Your sense of fashion: you dress to match your mood

You like to pig out on: classic home cooked meals, like mac and cheese

Create your own Friend Test here

e rest find out urself..bleahx!


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Please check out my new blog by clicking here.

I may or may not be using this blog in the future, c ya there;)

meLeonard walked through the seasons at2:59 AM

Friday, November 23, 2007

It's a deplorable day that past not long ago. I've just been released from HSBC as I was originally under a project but something was caught up so all of people had to be released. They could no longer hold us back. That was really horrendous as how are we suppose to find a job at this point of time. It looks like we're got to start taking up some odd jobs which many of us don't desire very much. Anyway, if we're not going to do it who's going to do.
I think this day is just as bad as I once had before, the day whereby I just can't get over anything that has depress me. Many other things in addition was unintentionally brought in to worsen my day, this was said so because I think I'm the cause to that feel. One thing which pertain to this was my chat with my mum. She always take my words seriously, ending up even any joke that I made she would literally believe it. Having such a bad conclusion in the end. I don't know why, I'm starting to feel pain in my heart. It was so much better during those few working days. I got cheered up by small little thing, even though they are lame, I'll always appreciate their effort for making joke. So do they. For that few days, I was no longer the old Leonard who always feel so down and majority of the time had to deal with it alone. And now, I think I'm back to the usual depressing Leonard.
However in that office, many people asked me things with regard to my O level. I had no idea how to answer them. I ended up decided to be frank and told them that I don't think that I did well for it due to certain family matters which I do not wish to disclose( another reason was that it's a saga and we do not have time for expatiation). For some of them I had the time to reveal the situation.
I'm beginning to hate my current life now. Just how am I going to get over it!

meLeonard walked through the seasons at4:42 AM

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's my second day working at HSBC bank! Having work there is so fun, a little dull at certain time and busyness which reduce our fun moment as well. I'm just a temp staff. As for my job detail I'm forbid to reveal. Met a lot of new companions there and they are socially fine. I love the way we treat one another as, even though this is only a start. It's like, there's nothing like comparing how good or how bad you are. Everyone will still get along well no matter what. That kind of feeling is really great! But, as I said, it's only the beginning. Really enjoy the learning process as well. The learning process is part of working. Just one bad detail which I didn't mention. The place is actually quite far, I could hardly find a good traveling route to home. The endurance of long journey is quite terrible actually. Thanks to the free shuttle bus that was offered to send staff of HSBC to and fro the building. It's only available at selected locations. Early morning gotta wake up at 0630 hr and reached home at an estimation of 2000 hr. Wonder if I will be able to capture enough rest for next day's activity. Really look forward to next day of work, ha!

meLeonard walked through the seasons at5:01 AM

Friday, November 16, 2007

Close to about a day whereby the council retreat camp was over. I was really too engrossed with the song titled "Pass It On" by Kurt Kaiser. It's truly an amazing song to the extent that my tears could easily flow out each time I hear it. I've no idea why but I just try to resist it. Surprisingly, I managed to get the sheet music after a night of hard work of about an hour or so. I edited and love my new modification of that song. The melody remained the same, it's only the chord which I added a few notes. to almost every bar.
Great enough, I've found two job for interview. The first one will be tomorrow at intercontinental hotel, follow by another one at standard chartered bank building (the branch is located at raffles place). For the intercontinental hotel wise, the only available job is becoming a banquet waiter. As for standard chartered bank, I've no idea what you call that but it's to process information into the computer.
The day before I was on the phone with Daron. I was told to wake her up by having phone her this morning at about 0830. "Luckily", I woke up at 1200+. Wonder if she woke up by then already, sms her and was told that she's already in school. Thank goodness, she had more than one morning bird chirping by the phone into her ear.
Nothing else, if I forgot to post anything I think it'll either be postponed to the next post or will never be remembered again XD cya!

meLeonard walked through the seasons at8:51 PM

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Yesterday had a chat with mum on msn. Realized that me and my sister have the darkest skin among all her children. Watch a few clips of George being in the process of learning how to swim. That was quite a humorous one.
I've highlighted my hair but don't really like the trimming. It's not the way I wanted but I'm the one who requested to have it random.
Nothing much about today. Just that I have to attend prom later, not really interested as I'm very exhausted. I've no idea what's the cause but it's been like this for the past one day. And I've no appetite for food. It seems very much like what happened when I was having dengue, except that was much worst. I was able to sleep for days before I was admitted to hospital. I just hope that I'll be able to pull through the whole of prom event..

meLeonard walked through the seasons at8:50 PM

Friday, November 09, 2007

Was feeling pretty down yesterday, but I've no idea why. Valarie gave me morning call to attend her investiture. Before I left the house, I heard my mum was saying some bad things behind my back with regard to me. I wanted to bid her goodbye before departing from my house, after hearing all those, I just left silently. And so I proceed on to Valarie's investiture. It was quite a great one for the beginning. I cycled in to the school , received greetings from some scouts ushers. That just improves my day very slightly. When I was about to acknowledge myself as a representative of Valarie's kin, I was questioned: " What's your daughter's name?" Well, I don't suppose that I really looks that old? Sat down at the study area table and resumed my reading of accounting theory. Met Xinyi as well as Xiu Huan. They were representatives as well. We exchanged a few rigmarole and tailed the crowd to those seats being laid out. Having the ceremony started, many unpleasant occurrence were at sight. Nevertheless, that wasn't my main focus. My main objective is to spot Valarie. Found her and to my astonishment, she looks pretty fine with that uniform. Initially she sounded as though the design were to the extent that there were no presentability. It was pretty much better than expected though, however she did not trust my words. I suppose she'll be thinking ' so that's your taste'.
Later on, I had no interest to carry on watching the investiture. There were many areas which can improved. But it was nevertheless the hardest decision to make in planning as both co-curriculum activities were to merge and both parties must agree. For that, I would say that they had done an excellent job.
And I went to Xiu huan's house together with Xinyi. I've no idea why am I there for, but just went in to the house and loiter there. Played with her hamsters due to
ennui, got bitten a few times. Nothing much, went home. Just wonder what would my mum's attitude be like. Didn't really chat much with her, and came here for blogging whilst having my porridge as lunch. My energy level seems to be pretty low when not even half of the day has pass. I guess I'll be taking a cat nap anytime soon before carry on with the day..

meLeonard walked through the seasons at9:47 PM

Ahh!!! Having tons of negative thoughts in my head!
For one, will always nv be free to chat with due to busyness
For one, was once having much time to spend with, and whom I'm able to reserve time for despite wad I have in place for priority
For one, who was able to balance well in almost all areas is now abroad
I'm feeling extremely useless!! arghhhh!!!

What's given nv expect to have in return. Maybe very little. What's there for u nv meant for u. What's meant for u nv is it reachable. I'm opening my arms for all sharp objects that's gonna pierce through me. If what dad said was true, that there was once a decision of wanting me to be aborted, I think that will end all the miserables. I don't mind having no happiness, as long as I don't suffer. For that, all human mankind are unavoidable of. If only that decision was decided so..
It's all over

meLeonard walked through the seasons at7:26 AM

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Early morning, woke up and was thinking of watching Bleach from where I stopped previously. On the computer, chat with real mum for a while. I requested her to help me keep a look out if there's any opportunity for me to teach maths. I'm currently desperate to earn money to buy what I've been wanting to buy, which had always halted by my parents living together with me in the past. Later on, didn't manage to find time to resume the watch. Only allowed it to load, I was then asked if I would like to join mum and brother for breakfast. It would be bad to disagree with this current situation. As usual, I told them to go first whilst I took a shower before going there.
Reached, and got lectured by brother and mum. they ask me to study hard and they ask what courses do I want to take. Frankly speaking, I wanted music. But no courses offered concerning music. So I told them accounting. Continue the conversation by saying that that was my second interest. I would like to look for music for any instance. Without hesitation my mum seems to object seriously, with an indirect way of speaking. I could tell from her tone and her reaction which obviously do not appear to be convinced. Since young she's been telling me the same thing over and over again! She said,"Music can't give you a bright future! Furthermore, you can't earn a living from there!" (It was in Mandarin) I was so deeply hurt and why can't she just show some respect for musician! Not a single positive words can she give about music. Following after, was my brother's turn. He said that I don't looks any mature with that kinda clothing. I suppose I had read in between the lines. And I had to defend myself so I said to him," When was I ever having sufficient monetary figure to spent! In addition, all my clothes in my wardrobe are all this style of dressing!" Having that, it just reminded me that he always got twice the amount of money given by mum as compared to me. It's always nevertheless childish to be thinking of this way. But I just can't help it when I'm feeling so pissed off! He's always more fortunate than me in almost every single way. He get to pursue and obtain support from family during his secondary school life of his interest in basketball. But of course he did not look into he that much for his policy is that human must be practical and face the reality that this is just a dream world. Certainly, he had a change in his interest now. Whereas as for me, I always got criticize in the family for being a councilor and band member. Ironically, my brother is always the one who fought for me in front of my mum as well. They always said that it's useless and wasting of time for me to join such activities.
Even then, all I could do is to bear and endure all this comment given. Sometimes, I just feel that I'm really that hopeless. My only hope is to have time pass faster and faster so that I could have a house of my own. I wouldn't mind staying alone. As long as I'm able to lead a better life of my own. Not to my surprise, they are of no blood relation to me and it's not their fault. My preferred style of living is just so different from theirs. They are also the one who brought me up. It's time for me to repay them as well, as long as I've entered society.
Really, I think there's too much confusion in my life currently. It's being entangled to the extend that if anyone dare to try to solve the entangle(illustration of an entangled strings) so that they could be straight again, it wouldn't be only one string that got divided, all the rest of the strings will be involve as well- they will be tore apart and that's the end.
I just feel that my heart is 'sinking' every night, in which before I sleep, I will always take a gander around my bed. Sometimes, just starring into sky. I'm really sensitive and susceptible to emotional injury now..

meLeonard walked through the seasons at8:34 PM

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